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Thursday, September 16, 2010

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23. Those Places Thursday: The Symbol of Learning for Me

This is a photo of my grade school in Joliet, Illinois which I attended from the first through the fifth grade.  It is a church now, but it used to be called St. Cyril and Methodius Roman Catholic School.

I did not attend kindergarten because I was over two years ahead of that age group.  I stayed one year ahead each year, attending class with those students one level above me.

I have many fond memories of classmates, teachers, and our principal. I my teachers were first and second generation immigrants from Slovakia, Croatia, and various parts of Central and South Eastern Europe.  I learned a great deal from them in my formative years, and they reinforced lessons learned at home.  We used both sides of paper, some of which was scrap paper from electrocardiograms donated by local doctor's offices.  We wore uniforms and were taught in all the  basic rudiments.  

I learned that self-discipline was the basis for all success and that my education and what I learned in life was my responsibility. Parents and teachers are to help, but I was to be responsible to make sure that what I learned was true and useful.  From the third grade on, I would go to the public library in search of the other resources that would broaden the scope of what I had been taught during the week.  I gained a love for learning, and I can identify many  principles and talents that became the foundation for my success in this stage of my life.

I can recall many memories of the days I spent in this building.  It is not the best  picture, but I am still prompted to pick up a good book or visit the local library when I see it.


  1. Nice post! I like the picture, gives me an idea of what your school looked like. You definitely learned good strategy for life, you have been a very smart cookie! Thank you for sharing, and for using Those Places Thursday blogging prompt!

  2. Thanks, Cheryl! I appreciate you stopping by to read my post :)


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