- I will be selecting my top followers to feature at random. I only became acquainted with @richgoade on Dec. 14, 2010 on the day the beta version of familysearch.org went live. I am selecting him because his efforts and those of his comrades have been felt across the globe.
He is one of the developers at FamilySearch. They are are pretty much unsung heroes, working behind the scenes improving our experience and receiving feedback.
I know some of them have been working for years on that rollout, so when I noticed the jubilation in their announcements, I could not resist the opportunity to say thanks for the labor of love.
I have nary a mumbling word for FamilySearch products. They have helped me identify my ancestors and their families. If I have ever run into a glitch, I have always found help at my local Family History Center.
- I first saw tweets from @richgoade and @amazingcube.
richgoade Congrats to my old team... the past two years of our work rolled out this morning!
FamilySearch.org - Family History and Genealogy Records - familysearch.org
Twitter - Dec 14, 2010
savingstories @richgoade @amazingcube Thanks to you all! Incredible!#FamilySearchFamilySearch.org — Free Family History and Genealogy Records - familysearch.orgTwitter - Dec 14, 2010
richgoade @savingstories @amazingcube your very welcome! it was awesome to be a part of something we feel so passionate about. How you enjoy it!Twitter - Dec 14, 2010
I have come a long way technologically because when @richgoade tweeted:
richgoade Be sure to check out the parallax scrolling on ... - one of the nice touches we got to put into the experience. Enjoy.FamilySearch.org — Free Family History and Genealogy Records - familysearch.orgI actually asked him what parallax scrolling was. He actually answered me back in a tweet, and I scooted over to the site to check it out. Did you know that the mountains move behind the little family on the bottom of the page at familysearch.org when you drag the right corner of the browser window?Drag page from bottom at familysearch.org and
watch mountains move. (See below)
Can you tell the landscape has moved? Try it out! Thanks @richgoade!
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