OldNews US app feature: Newspaper clipping, Embed citation on Facebook
The OldNews USA app is a free Android app for easily discovering articles that mention your ancestor on Chronicling America. Many genealogists and family historians research newspapers for obituaries. With this sleek app you will be inspired to dig even deeper and discover every instance where your ancestor is mentioned on Chronicling America.
You may have never dreamed of researching from a mobile device. Now with the OldNews US app, you are not tied down to a monitor and a desk chair. Search from the comfort of your sofa or while in the waiting room for an appointment. Old newspapers are so rewarding because they provide so much more information and detail than you will find in newspapers today.
A great example can be found by searching the OldNews US app for "passengers on the sister ship Olympic" found in "The Day Book," of Chicago, Illinois on April 20, 1912. The passengers on the sister ship, Olympic, were totally unaware of the horror of the "unsinkable" Titanic until they found out about the news from newspapers that were brought on their ship. The captain and crew did not reveal the degree of the tragedy to the passengers for fear of how they would take the loss of over 1,500 passengers and the "greatest ship in the world."
"Many of the women turned faint as they learned of friends and acquaintances on that awful Sunday night at sea," although they had been informed by a false report in the afternoon saying that all of the passengers had been saved. The article goes on to give details about how they had limited use of communication due to the 'wireless" being used to full capacity.
Access to Chronicling America through the OldNews US app opens up US newspapers provided by The Library of Congress from 1836 to 1922. You can download the app here. It works very smoothly, and you can share clippings to any place connected on your device (DropBox, Box.com, etc.). If you love sharing your finds on Facebook like so many genealogists and family historians do, share clippings, and the source citation will be included (see example).
“It takes a lot of discipline and effort to create research logs and proper source citations. I know how important it is to properly document research, and realize how easy it is to skip these steps when you are having fun making new discoveries. I want genealogy to be fun, and use technology to automate the important steps that aren’t much fun. That is why I started Revgenea Software. I want to build research apps that automate best research practices while letting you focus on discovering your family’s story,” Bill Nelson. See Find your ancestors in old US newspapers and rediscover stories lost to history using the new OldNews USA app.
Visit the Revgenea Software website to learn more, and be sure to check out the screenshots provided. You will be up and going in no time!
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